

Fire roasted red peppers with mozarella cheese and a drizzled with garlic/basil oil
Rosemary roasted roast pork
Eggplant ragout
Green beans
Oven roasted and seasoned potato wedges
Maple cinammon apple slices
Macaroni and Cheddar Cheese
Sliced tomatoes with feta cheese
Lemon Bars a la Bev
Chocolate cake with Chocolate icing a la Mariel

Sunday, April 24, 2011 EASTER....IN ZAMBIA, AFRICA

We had a light but great breakfast of homemade from scratch cinammon rolls. Our team led Church with about 35 people attending. Benita's beautiful voice accompanying her talented guitar was moving and Kate gave Thanks to God with a perfect sermon. Lunch was egg salad sandwiches to hold everyone over until Easter Dinner a la Jan.
We had dinner about 4:30 and everything was cooked to perfection ! JD kept asking me when dinner was going to be ready! I set the tables to be one long banquet table. Someone covered them with chitanges for table cloths and another brought candles.
JD stood at the far end holding up his empty plate before going for seconds. Everyone said they felt so blessed by my cooking and my team members were blown away. They said they were dispensible but that I could not be replaced ! Quite the compliments, and they made me feel sooooo special. After a long and exciting day, I took a shower and listened to music again. What a great group of people at Overland. What a Blessed Easter!

Saturday April 23, 2011

Benita and I woke up at 1 AM and had trouble going back to sleep but we finally did. After breakfast we had a Team meeting then we went to clean and organize trailers of school supplies and clothes. I was in charge of the clothes so I could sit. As I found baby hat, I placed one on a team members head, starting with Paul and Wezi and then took pictures. We all had a good laugh. The before and after pictures of the trailers are lik night and day. Beverly was sooo appreciative of our help.
Then I prepped food for Easter Dinner. I roasted the peppers on the flames of the gas stove and then marinated them in a garlic and basil infused oil. I made coleslaw, eggplant ragout with my Greek recipe which is the same way the Zambians cook their eggplant. COINCIDENCE ?! Green beans are cleaned ala Julie and I created maple cinammon glazed apple slices.

After lunch, Mariel teaches us how to wear our Chitangea(sarongs). Then she tells us to get into the car and we go to Songwe Village to meet Tabisa and her fellow villagers. Tabisa is the baby I bought clothes for. She was born two months premature and is now three months old and looks absolutely beautiful! Her Mom died of HIV two weeks before our arrival. Tabisa will be raised by her Great Aunt Anne who is sixty years old. It is very unusual for a family member to offer to take on this type of responsibility in Zambia. Anne is a beautiful person !! One of the outfits I boiught for Tabisa says "I love my Aunt". Great news arrived .....Tabisa tested negative for HIV !! As we drove up to the Village the kids of Songwe were playing games and and when they saw us, great big smiles appeared on their faces. There were about 15 kids aged 2 to 8 or 9 years of age. We sat with some Moms and the infants and talked with them. The children were laughing and having fun. Benita and I decided to go play with the kids. We taught them Ring around the Rosie, duck, Duck, Goose, London Bridges falling down. There was a boy standing in the road so I went over and asked if he would like to play. He replied "I do not speak English" in perfect English I might add. I told him that was ok, took his hand and he joined in. Another little guy was watching too. He was about 2 and his pants, torn and dirty seemed to keep falling down and he would trip on them when he walked. So, I went over to help him and bring him into the circle games. But, when I pulled up his pants, I realized they were not falling down, his one leg was about 5 inches shorter than his other. We all had a great time laughing and playing the circle games and the Moms laughed too. When we were ready to leave, the kids formed a circle around me and Benita and hugged us as one big group. Their smiles melted my heart. i was pooped from playing games for 6 year olds but would not have traded places for anything. What a great experience and memory of Songwe. At 8:30 PM I have to dry my hair, relax and go to bed. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I relaxed listening to Elaine Elias on my IPOD and fell asleep.