
Thursday, April 21, 2011

We arrived at Livingstone airport and were greeted by Mariel and Bev.  We went for lunch. I had a Greek salad and fried calamari and grilled shrimp.  Wait, I am supposed to be in Africa....calamari??  We went to the grocery store and funny enough, it is a Shop Rite. We have to change our US $ into Kwacha.  Food is very expensive.  A small can of mushrooms is $3.USD. After buying a few supplies we are off to our homebase at Overland Missions Rapid 14.

It is a rough dirt road and takes about 30 minutes to get there.  We arrive at the main building where everything happens.  It has cement walls with front and back tent flaps open. The roof is thatched and beautifully beamed inside.  It is beautiful to walk inside and to be able to see the gorge right out the back with the mist of Victoria Falls visible.  If you walk to the steps, you see the Zambezi River....AMAZING VIEW !

We are going to have a great Lasagne dinner with garlic bread and salad prepared by Mariel.  SO, I guess I will not be losing much weight here if this menu continues.

We are taken to our tent where we unpack and freshen up. Then to the main building to meet our new friends and have dinner. Everything is made from scratch on the base including mayonnaise, cakes and icing, rolls, BBQ sauce, taco shells and chips, biscuits salad dressings etc. due to the high cost of food. Zambia imports everything and it's only export is copper.

We are all tired from the trip so we head to bed at around 10.  Tomorrow we wake up in AFRICA  !


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So the big day finally arrives, and very early as well.  We get up at 3 AM and leave at 4  as Fran will be driving Me, Lori and Kate to the airport for a 6:15 AM flight to JFK.  Meeting at Target was a great plan.  We all get into Fran's car and we are off to Zambia !!   When we arrive at JFK we meet Benita for the first time.  We get breakfast and before we know it, time to board for our 15 hour flight to Johannesburg South Africa followed by a 2 hour flight to Livingstone, Zambia. All our flights were great and I even managed to get some sleep! Unusual for me when flying.

The meals in flight were very good and I have a new great snack - popcorners 

January 2011

Fran and I went to Church this morning and in the main hall was a table set up with a sign "Zambia, Mission Trip".  I have always wanted to go on a mission trip but something always prevented me. Either the work entailed physical work beyond my ability or I could not get the time off from work.

So, I spoke with the woman at the table and she explained that the trip was to dispense vitamins and food supplements to the local Zambians and that we would be weighing and measuring the growth of children at an "under five Clinic".  WOW this was perfect for me !   My 43 years of nursing could be put to God's use!  Like the movie "Pay it Forward".

I looked at Fran and said "I am going!".  He replied, "don't you want to pray about it?.  No, I know God has called me to do this!

And so my journey to Zambia begins.  Over the next few months I have to gather supporters to help finance my way.  Our departure date is April 20, 2011 for two weeks. .  Most people's first Mission trip is to Mexico, Costa Rica, even the USA.    But not mine, I am going to Zambia, Africa for my first ever Mission Trip !!

SO, I start talking to friends and I got mixed feedback.  Mostly, people said "Are you scared?"
Scared of what I replied.  I have nothing to be afraid of.  I am going to do God's work and his Angels will guide my way and keep me safe.

As time gets closer, my support arrives daily in the mail.  Very slowly but surely I receive money to finance my trip.   However, I never quite reach my goal. No biggee, I am going anyway!!  I get my immunizations, buy a sleeping bag with mosquito hood, Deet, antimalarial medications, camping pants with zip off legs, and a safari type hat (I borrowed Fran's). I practice packing probably 5 times before the final pack on April 19.