
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 and Wednesday May 4, 2011

Five am and I am awake! Anxious to see Fran. I shower and wash my hair to hold me for the 1 1/2 day travel home. Yea, eggs and toast for breakfast. Then our final devotions and the Overland team prayed for us. Saying goodbye was difficult. These are special people. I do not want to leave but I cannot wait to hug and kiss Fran. I miss him!
We stopped at Songwe to se Wezi's friends curios. I bought the other two salad sets I need for Sue and Allyson. Then I saw a beautiful little wooden bowl. I was short on kwacha so we bartered. The young man asked if I had socks or shoes. Socks I had, shoes I left at the base. So, for my kwacha and a pair of my socks I complete my purchase. Wezi then gives me a bracelet made of coconut shell.
My rash is driving me crazy today and worse itching than it had been. We stop at the dressmaker so Benita could buy Howard a shirt. This is where we were going to have outfits made of chitange matererial but we ran out of time. We stopped at the Shop Rite one last time and I buy Fran chocolate. By our car are some guys selling curios through the tall fence. Bev tells me they are "swindlers" while Julie and Benita look at their items. I see copper bracelets and Bev says 20 kwacha is a fare price. So I negotiate with the guy since all I have left is 7500 kwacha. We haggle and he finally accepts my kwacha and I get a copper bracelet for $1.35 US. In the airport the same thing was $25 US. Copper is the only export of Zambia, a nice memento. Beverly brought us more aprons from the woman in Livingstone and I bought three. Lori was able to find her beach bag and it was much nicer and cheaper than the ones I had seen for her at the market.
We meet at the airport which was confusing with no signs or help to direct us. But, I am on the plane now and AOK. TIA !!! Once we can get to our luggage before checking it, I will get some Benadryl. After a two hour flight to J burg, we land without any problems. The benadryl has not helped my rash and itching at all. The J Burg airport is beautiful and we have 5 hours to walk and shop. Benita and I stay together while Kate runs to buy a t shirt for her son. Julie ends up with us for awhile and she buys a beautiful necklace and earrings. I found elephant earring that I like for myself. I finally found a gift for Gary - wine stoppers and a necklace for Jason that is the same type he wears. We saw witchcraft dolls with ropes and beads and got freaked out. We had learned about the ropes at Sitchalobe since some girls there had them applied by the witch doctor. Hard to believe they were selling these in the airport. Most peopl would just think they were cute and buy them not knowing their true significance.
We were tired so head to the Gate. There was Kate reading her book. That is what she enjoys! I decide to find a pharmacy for some cortisone cream. Kate is concerned that I will miss the flight. I assure her I will be back in time. I pass Lori and Julie sitting at the food court and after a short chat, I head off to the Pharmacy. Yea I get cortisone cream....$8. US But I would have paid any amount at this point to get relief. I walk out of the store and suddenly get dizzy and very sweaty. I sit down for a few minutes and then start walking to the Gate. Oh no...I am very nauseous. All I ate today was an egg, a slice of toast and a protein bar I brought from home. I layed on chairs and prayed. About 7 PM they announce our flight to JFK is cancelled. We had just finished a pat down security check twice in the airport. They had us all walk through the airport to the SAA Counter where we checked in earlier. I felt weak and told Lori I could not walk any further. They got me a wheelchair and whisked me through the airport and security to the rest of the team in line for instructions. I ask for a plastic bag because I feel like I am going to vomit. I am freezing cold ! Wonderful Kate stays right by my side and prays for me. I was praying for me too ! I had to go off to the side and vomit with some dignity if that is possible in an airport. Many people were required to remain in JBurg another 24 hours for the next flight to JFK. Julie was our spokeswomen to make a mess simpler for all. Because of my being so sick, SAA was putting us on the next flight to the USA but it would land at Dulles. That's OK we were leaving in a few hours. Everyone was steaming and I am so cold. Kate gives me her sweatshirt and I get out my blanket and long sleeve blouse. My skin is burning up with fever but I am still freezing with chills. My hands are like ice cubes. We board the plane and I take phenergan and doze for a little while. We did not know this, but we have to land in Dakar, Senegal. We are not allowed off the plane for the 1 1/2 hour layover but security comes on the plane to check the seats and overhead bins.
once we took off, I started with more vomiting and just made it to the bathroom 3 rows away. Three more times and I hope it is done. An airplane bathroom is the worst place to get sick. They served dinner but I did not want any food. Of oourse they were serving my favorite....lamb. Not my favorite tonight. I try to sleep but feel cramped in my seat.
We arrive at Dulles and now hoave to figure out how to get to JAX. After much frustration on all ends, Julie and I got a flight home that night. I had travel insurance so Celestial Travel said to just call them the following day. Julie had booked her own flight so it was all through SAA. Our tickets were booked as two separate flights so we were out of luck, except for me with insurance. Lori and Kate decide to rent a car and drive 12 hours to get home. I could not have done that the way I feel.
At 6:30 I finally meet Fran. Phillip is there to meet Julie. We are two very happy but very weary travellers. Fran fills the tub for me and I take a hot bath with epson salts. Hopefully it will make the rash and itchy better. I am still very nauseous but am sipping on cola. I AM HOME !!!! I sleep next to Fran !! YEA !

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